Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bike Builds

So... a customer (a guy whose been here a few times, and gave me some good advise on one visit) comes in the other day wondering how busy we are and if he can get some time on the stand, he says he just got his bike back from the painter and wants to build it up.

He's got all the parts, some used(original), most new. And he has plenty of know-how, but he needs a couple of tools and a little help for a few things. I tell him to bring it in, it should only take an hour or so.

The bike is great(beautiful really), classic vintage steel made by a french artisian in the 80's. It's got a story that starts with "I was in this village in france with some guys". So he's had it for a while, and he likes the way it rides, but over the years it's taken a beating. So he tears it down and sends it to this fella in North Carolina or somewhere to re-beutify.

He's building it up as a single speed sorta training / showpiece bike.

Unfortunatly When I told him "An hour or so" I failed to take into account the time it would take to Chase and Face the bottom bracket, and fork. but he was pretty forgiving. Even when I said the scary "Just so you know, I've never done this before, but I think it'll be OK". And I had to re-do a couple of things do to lack of famialariarity. And a brain freeze or two on both of our parts (and a trip home for him for a forgotten part).

This isn't a great picture but you get the idea. It's really very pretty, and I wish I had a scale, 'cause I'd like to know how much this thing weighs. It's the lightest steel bike I've seen. Certainly lighter then my Schwinn Fixie conversion. He put these really cool Cane Creek brake levers on it.

Just thought I'd share with the group, since this is something we can do. I know a guy here in Illinois who paints bikes and I can certainly tear a bike down, and rebuild it better then it started. Or Help you do it yourself. Fortunatly for him he came in during Feb. so he saved a few bucks in labor, and got my undivided attention (except for me braking up a fight between my sons) And he was a class act, he brought a thank you gift for yours truly (yummy beer) and took care of Jake when he helped him to his car with his bag. I'm not fishing, so much as publicing him.

See you around, thanks for stopping by.

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